If you ordered the wrong size or the wrong item, please send us an e-mail at You will be asked to ship the item back to us, and we will gladly refund you or ship out your exchange as soon is the original item is received.
If we send you the wrong item, please send us an e-mail to and let us know about the issue. You will need to send the item back to us. We will then gladly send you a replacement item, or refund you as soon as possible.
When sending items back, include a brief note or a copy of your e-mail exchange with us. We recommend checking the site to see if the item you want to exchange for is in stock.
There is a 30-day limit on returns and exchanges.
Send Shipments to:
Grip and Rip Athletic Co.
3532 SE 2nd Street
Topeka, KS 66607
If your item arrives damaged, contact us immediately at You will most likely need to file a claim with USPS to get reimbursed for the cost of the item, and we will work with you to get a replacement.